Kyrenia – Hz.Omer Tomb

Hz.Omer Tomb
The Hz.Omer Tomb is a fascinating historical place of interest that enjoys a charming location in Kyrenia, and overlooks the beautiful Cyprus coastline. The Hazreti Omer Mosque and Tomb is small, and within are the remains of Hazreti Omer, a seventh century commander, and his men. They are said to have died whilst defending the area of northern Cyprus against the Arabs. It is also said that the site where the mosque and tomb is located used to be the site of a Pagan shrine.
With the remains of seven Muslim saints within, the tombs are a fascinating historical attraction for visitors to the area, and the location of the Hz.Omer Tomb, which lies just four kilometers east of Kyrenia, makes it easy to get to. The whitewashed structures stand out quite distinctively amongst their rocky surroundings. The picturesque location of the mosque and tombs means that visitors can enjoy some wonderful views of the coastline and the Mediterranean as well as exploring the tombs themselves.
The tomb was also renovated in the 1950s, and today you will find fascinating tapestries and rugs within the tomb, as well as piles of books. Both the mosque and tomb were constructed by the Ottomans. Anyone that is interested in history and wants to delve further into the roots and origins of the area will find that this is a fascinating historical attraction that is a must for any itinerary. You will find it easy to get to the Hz.Omer Tomb and mosque, as it is all fully signposted from Kyrenia.
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